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- Tensegrity Model
Tensegrity Model
Design | Construct | Evolve
Tensegrity is a mash-up of the words tension and integrity. This kit, which can be built to enjoy just for fun, also teaches patience, balance, and the importance of connectivity. Made of six (6) sticks and six (6) rubber bands, the tensegrity model sits stable, but can be squashed flat or bounced down the stairs. The system of tension and integrity allow the toy to spring back into its original form.
The rubber bands keep the sticks in place, without touching, and even on the X, Y, and Z axes. Remove a single stick or rubber band, and the model falls apart, illustrating the need for structure and balance.
Each kit contains:
(6) Six sticks, with rounded edges and a slot for the rubberband
(6) Rubber bands, plus a few extra
(1) Instruction sheet
(1) Kit case, which houses the aforementioned items
Perfect for the young with a passion for building, or the young-minded, or even the architect in your life. Add multiple kits together to build larger models!
Lift lid with text to open box. If instructions get lost or damaged, see Instructions on on Interactive Page for a digital copy.
Size of Tensegrity Model Kit (in Box): 1 ½” W x 5” L x 1 ½” T